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technologie d xtrusion d luminium.

Hydro's Extruded Solutions division has more than 1,300 employees in the United Kingdom. We have manufacturing plants in Birtley, Cheltenham and Tibshelf. Our aluminium fabrication and components plants are located in Redditch, Bromyard, Gloucester and Rotherham. We have an extrusion die company in Gloucester and an aluminium casthouse in Tibshelf.
Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow (LIFT), a U.S. government enterprise and part of the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), has established a facility in Detroit, MI, to direct the development of advanced lightweight material manufacturing technologies.The facility ordered a new 12 MN, 5 inch aluminum extrusion press from Danieli Breda for its thermomechanical processing ...
Oct 15, 2018· wahid ben salem +21620600092 [email protected]
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