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Zimbabwe lithium.
Zimbabwe Lithium Company and the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) have entered into a joint venture agreement for the development of lithium tailings deposit at Kamativi Mine. According to the joint venture, Zimbabwe Lithium Company was granted exclusive development rights for lithium tailings deposit.
The Mauritius-based Zimbabwe Lithium mining company recently signed a joint-venture agreement with the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) with respect to the grant for exclusive development rights for the Kamativi lithium tailings deposit at the Kamativi Mine, which is located in the Matabeleland North Province.
Zimbabwe is expected to be one of the major global players in the production of processed lithium, a main component in the manufacturing of electric car batteries with Australian (ASX) listed Zimbabwean mining concern, Prospect Resources having set sights at extracting and processing the mineral ...
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