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san giao machine a coudre.
The story is straightforward enough and not uninteresting: a doctor gone bonkers accidentally gets a gun ("la machine à découdre", a pun in French) and decides to use it to raise money from the rich on the French south coast in order to build a hospital for children of war-torn "thirld world" countries.
In an ordinary sewing machine, fabric is pulled through the machine only by the feed dogs, pulling on the bottom layer of fabric and potentially displacing the top. In contrast, the industrial walking foot sewing machine was invented to pull from the top AND bottom, ensuring all layers of fabric are fed into the machine at a consistent rate.
san giacomo machine a coudre. Seamless machine STAR-Dsangiacomo machines… Single-cylinder machine with dial needles for the production of quality socks in true rib with up tocolors. The Sangiacomo STAR-D is an high tech machine that . Learn More >> Rechercher les fabricants des Sangiacomo Chaussettes…
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