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Scope. 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the potential expansion of cement-aggregate combinations by measuring the linear expansion developed by the combinations in mortar bars subjected to variations of temperature and water saturation during storage under prescribed conditions of test.
Pour les sols à modifier,"sol B 2" désigne un sol recomposé à partir de 90% de sable de Fontainebleau de 10% de kaolin, et dont la valeur de bleu est de 0,1 , "sol A 2-limon" désigne un sol naturel de valeur de bleu égale à 2,2, et "sol A 2-argile" désigne un sol naturel de valeur de bleu égale à 2,9.
26 Priority Zone 2 (1 Oto 30 m from the residences) In this radius, the fuel consists mainly of hardwood and softwood trees. According to the FBP System, 3 this fuel is called M-2 25/75 and C-2. IMAGES 7 and 8 - Fuel priority zone 2 Priority Zone 3 (30 to 100 m from the residences) C-2 is the only dominant fuel found in this zone.
ASTM D638-14 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. standard by ... (0.04 in.) in thickness, ASTM standard D882 is the preferred test method. Materials with a thickness greater than 14 mm (0.55 in.) shall be reduced by machining. 1.3 This test method includes the option of determining Poisson's ratio at room temperature.
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