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Main, broyer, client, client, cas.
The SSL or TLS handshake enables the SSL or TLS client and server to establish the secret keys with which they communicate. This section provides a summary of the steps that enable the SSL or TLS client and server to communicate with each other: Agree on the version of the protocol to use. Select ...
Users must have client devices (computer or mobile device) that run an operating system that supports Azure Information Protection. ... Doing so breaks the certificate pinning that RMS clients use with Microsoft-managed CAs to help secure their communication with the Azure Rights Management service.
As mentioned in my previous blog post about the Exchange 2010 RPC Client Access Service and the ClientAccessArray, Exchange’s dependence on the Client Access Server (CAS) role has increased dramatically in Exchange 2010. This is because, in Exchange 2010, on-network Outlook MAPI connectivity now connects to a mailbox through the CAS role via the RPC Client Access Service.
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