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broyeur fae dml hy 100.
Equipment Description. Brand new FAE DML/HY 100-VT mulcher attachment with fixed teeth for excavators weighing between 5 tonnes and 13 tonnes. Standard Equipment: 55/38 cc varviable torque hydraulic motor with relief and anticavitation valve, flow control system valve, double protection hood with mechanical adjustment, rotor with tools type E and blade type E/HD.
FAE AUSTRALIA - The company FAE is globally recognised in the design, and manufacturing of leading-edge vegetation control, rock crushing and soil stabilization attachme nts. FAE AUSTRALIA PACIFIC - owned by FAE GROUP Italy - provides sales and product support for FAE products in the Oceania region and is located South of Melbourne.
DML/HY Mulcher with fixed teeth rotor for excavators having a weight between 5 and 13 t. The DML/HY mulcher with fixed teeth rotor is an extremely versatile machine. Its compact size makes it suitable for a very wide range of excavators, from 5 tons up to 13 tons. The smallest fixed tooth excavator mulcher on the market It has a […]
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