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cs2032 data warehouse and mining important question.

Data Warehousing and Data Mining. QUESTION BANK. 2012 Edition. Sub Code : CS2032. ... Distinguish between Data warehousing and data mining. [8] (ii)Describe in detail about data extraction, cleanup [8] 5. Write short notes on ... State why the data preprocessing an important issue for data warehousing and data mining. 3. What is the need for ...
JNTU Data Warehousing Data Mining IMPORTANT QUESTIONS,The important questions of the JNTUH B.Tech CSE 4-1 Data Warehousing and Data Mining, are available students. Contact the manufacturer --> ... CS2032 - Data Warehousing and Data mining Important 16 marks Questions. UNIT III 1. Explain the data mining functionalities in detail 2.
A data mart is a segment of a data warehouse that can provide data for reporting and analysis on a section, unit, department or operation in the company, e.g. sales, payroll, production. Data marts are sometimes complete individual data warehouses which are usually smaller than the corporate data warehouse.
Data Warehousing and Data Mining pdf Notes starts with the topics covering Introduction: Fundamentals of data mining, Data Mining Functionalities, etc Here you can download the free Data Warehousing and Data Mining Notes pdf – DWDM notes pdf latest and Old materials with multiple file links to download.
this document contains important question for the subject cs2032 data warehousing and data mining for anna university ... 0 Up votes, mark as useful. 0 Down votes, mark as not useful. Data Warehousing and Data mining Important question ... Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content. Save . Data Warehousing ...
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