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bureau marteaux à accra.

s/no. lic.no. name of bureau date licensed location 1 2 giwah 7th april, 1988 cow lane, adjacent to the central bus terminal, accra. 2 4 shaimex 15th april,1988 zongo lane leading to asafoatse-nettey rd. from old bata store, two guys ltd. accra. 3 5 wallsdan along the new town post office rd. off the circle-accra …
Law Bureau Attorney’s & Consultants firm is an immensely vibrant and diverse full-service Corporate and Commercial Law Firm in Accra, Ghana. Following its genesis in 2008, the firm has grown to become a leading law Firm in Ghana with excellent specialization in transactional, litigation, corporate and commercial issues.
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The U.S. Embassy informs U.S. citizens that, due to credible reports of growing crime rates, U.S. Embassy personnel have been instructed to avoid the following precincts of Accra: Avenor Sowutuom Sukura Agbobloshie Ashaiman (located in the Tema Region) Nima *(see below) *Except when traveling via the main highway past Nima. U.S. citizens are encouraged to ...
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