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Iron ball à vendre.
Tungsten Weighting: 20 grams of tungsten, split heel and toe in the long irons and centered on the mid irons, lowers the center of gravity and provides optimal forgiveness across the iron set. Impact Area Mass: Maintains a solid, muscle back-like feel and workability, but with a cavity back design to provide feedback and forgiveness on off-center hits.
D-Ball medicine balls and slam balls can be used for a wide variety of training techniques that provide full-body conditioning, strength and mobility. Click on our equipment pages to learn more about our products or read about the different types of exercises and movements that can be performed by reviewing our community pages .
Cast Iron Spear, Round Ball, 1"Square Solid Base. A round ball finial that is made of cast iron. The finial fits over 1"" square material. Each finial is 1-3/8"" ball diameter, 1"" width, 2-1/2"" high and weighs .54 lbs. Earn a quantity discount when you order 35 and more or 105 and more. Items ship same day.
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