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XSD Sand Washer. The efficient sand washing machine of XSD series is a kind of cleaning equipment of international advanced level for sand and slag pellets, developed on the basis of introducing foreign outstanding technology of the same kind of products.

The new ® Cedarapids CRJ3255 plant combines the popular JW55HD jaw crusher with a high stroke, 52” x 20’ (1321 x 6096 mm) vibrating grizzly feeder resulting in a high production portable crushing machine. The CRJ3255 is built tough, including a new hopper design, to handle severe primary crushing applications. The highly mobile CRJ3255 is easy to operate and maintain and offers new ...

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VSI WEAR PARTS • CRUSHER WEAR PARTS. WEAR PARTS FOR VERTICAL SHAFT IMPACTOR (VSI) Material : High Chromium, High Manganese, Tungsten carbide. The Vertical shaft impact crusher wear parts are contained both within and on the outer surfaces of the rotor.

Twister VSI crushers use two variations of VSI crushing. The first is vertical shaft impact crushing where rock is fed onto a table type rotor which accelerates and then discharges the rock at high speed against steel anvils in the crushing chamber.

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