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stone turqueterie.

Epiroc - Part of the Group - Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining,infrastructure and natural resources industries. With cutting-edge technology,Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs,rock excavation and demolition equipment,and provides world-class service and consumables.
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Choosing a Rock Drill. First – it is important to understand that a percussion rock drill does not cut through rock. Each blow shatters the rock in front of the bit - the steel and bit then rotates slightly and it shatters new rock while air is blown down the center of the drill steel clearing the bit face and blowing the chips up and out of the hole.
enters market for dimension stone drilling equipment January 12, 2012 Stockholm, Sweden, January 12, 2012: Italia S.p.A. has acquired Perfora S.p.A., an Italian company that manufactures and sells drilling and cutting equipment for the dimension stone industry, i.e. quarries that produce raw stone blocks.
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