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oolitic iron ores of aswan, téléchargement gratuit.

History. Some minerals, such as high-grade iron ore, phosphate, mercury, and zinc, have been exported since the early 1970s.The state mining and prospecting corporation, the National Company for Mineral Research and Exploration (Société Nationale de Recherches et d'Exploitations Minières), was established in 1967.
Minette type oolitic iron ore occurs within the Upper Djebilet Formation of Pragian (Lower Devonian) age. At Gara Djebile, three large lenses form three individual deposits, extending east-west for about 60 km, namely Gara West (14 x 4 km and 0 to 30 m thick), Gara Centre (20 x 5 km and 0 to 30 m thick) and Gara East (7 x 1 km and 0 to 9 m thick).
150-2 most important economically being the El -Sebaiya (west Mahamid) and El Mahamid deposits near El Sebaiya. Because of the increasing world demand for phosphate, P 2 O 5 content of the ore is gradually falling, and it is becoming economical to mine and beneficiate many lower-grade deposits (El-Jalead et al., 1980).
I) Iron ore deposit of sedimentary nature Sedimentary iron ore deposit is a very limited occurrence, being found only in the:- One locality in Sinai : Gabal Halal iron ore deposit Two localities in the Western Desert Aswan iron Ore Deposits Bahariya iron Ore Deposits Sinai: Gabal Halal iron ore deposit It is located ~4 km NW Sir Hadhira, Sinai ...
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