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arkansaa stone sharpning.
Smith's 4 In. natural Arkansas sharpening stone (item# 50556) removes modest amounts of metal as it polishes the cutting edge. No other type of sharpener can perform both these functions simultaneously! The new 4 In. x 1 In. sized natural Arkansas stone is mounted on a plastic base and has a plastic ...
Arkansas sharpening stones will sharpen all knives and tools and are the most popular sharpening stone worldwide. Arkansas stones are quarried from from geological formations of Novaculite. Novaculite is composed of microcrystalline quartz. The unique crystalline structure of the quartz gives Arkansas stones their superior honing abilities.
Arkansas Sharpening Stones have been mined since the early 1800's. Before the Europeans came to know Arkansas whetstones for their unique and superior sharpening and abrasive qualities, the Native Americans of the region gathered and quarried for Novaculite to make weapons and tools like arrowheads, spearheads, knives and axes.
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