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Feb 10, 2014· (b) The Cu 4 O 3 and CuO (unlike the Cu 2 O) are only found in the first 7 and first 6 cells, respectively, counting from the topmost cell along the line. (c) The strongest signal of the CuO is in the center of deposition, spectra taken at 10 and 15 mm from the top, and the Cu 2 O seems to relatively decrease when the CuO and Cu 4 O 3 increase.
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Bernard Alane (born Bernard Noël Vetel 25 December 1948 in Paris) is a French actor and singer, he is the son of actress Annick Alane. He is best known in France for his roles in two films directed by Edouard Molinaro , Hibernatus and Mon oncle Benjamin , but has achieved better fame as voice actor, practically in dubbing.
We must not forget the irresistible influence of the Soviet Union in the affairs of the United Nations which was accentuated by their support to African states, and we must be wary that this influence on the IOC in the increase of Africans members in IOC does not have the same desired effect. ... Max Moulin, General Secretary for Overseas ...
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