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nativité set latex molds.
As with liquid latex, it yields a light, flexible, detailed mold, but has the added advantages of longer life, resistance to chemicals and decomposition. It is the recommended material for making long-lasting molds. A silicone mold also can be made in less time than a latex mold, if “fast” catalysts are used. ... "set up." (Note LifeRite ...
Overview. Body Double™ Silicone Rubber is used by both professionals and hobbyists to make ultra-high definition impressions directly off the human body. In their cured state, molds made using Body Double™ Silicone Rubber exhibit virtually no shrinkage. Furthermore, Body Double™ molds will maintain their dimensional stability for many years even after being cast many times.
Our molds out perform and outlast latex molds, silicone molds, and poly-urethane molds. Contact Us. Use the form on the right to contact us. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. ... Number Molds 0-9 Set of 2. 80.00. Parking ...
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