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melwire rolling pvt ltd.

United Tractor and Equipment (Pvt) Ltd Crystal Martin Garment Group of Companies Currently we offer various logistics related services to our clients in addition to our initial line of business related to coconut oil in our mills, rather we import palm oil and distribute it throughout our retail network.
Melwire Rolling (Pvt) Ltd., is the only Sri Lankan owned facility,situated in Ekala , Ja-Ela with advanced technology and high end state-of-the-art equipment manufacturing MELWA Ltd.steel bars with SLS 375,BS 4449 certification adding quality and standard to the construction industry and infranstructure growth in Sri Lanka.
About Us Melbourne Metal (Pvt) Ltd is a Board of Investment approved company was established in 1995 and registered under the companies act No. 17 of 1982. Melbourne Metal is continuously updating its manufacturing process with the latest advances in steel melting and rolling technologies and giving its benefits to our esteem customers.
Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at Melwire Pty Limited, leverage your professional network, and get hired. Learn about working at Melwire Pty Limited. Join LinkedIn today for free. ... Melwire Rolling Pvt Ltd Construction. 51-200 employees. Dan Brunn Architecture Architecture & Planning. 1-10 employees. Screenex Manufacturing ...
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