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[Image: Screencaps from Suddenly Human, showing Beverly and Deanna interacting with the captain.] So this was my lunchtime episode and, having not watched it in a long while, I was really struck by how much the writing here positions Deanna and Beverly as not only Picard’s main advisers but also the people who are allowed to treat him as an equal.
from life.tumblr. ... The head crusher. With the head placed under the upper cap and the chin placed above the bottom bar, the top screw of this awful device was slowly turned, com. ... Syphiloderma Papulosum et Pustulosum (ca) Collotype, hand-coloured Private collection of John Wood [FOX'S MINUSCULE comment reads:] A newsboy with a severe ...
First up is the Starfleet Academy Flight Training Craft (Eaglemoss #97), flown by Wesley Crusher and Nova Squadron in the classic Next Generation episode “The First Duty.” This ship didn’t make a huge on-screen appearance in “The First Duty,” only shown in partial views or long-range sensor imagery during the Academy courtroom proceeding following the death of cadet Joshua Albert.
Who Killed the Electric Car? is a 2006 documentary film that explores the creation, limited commercialization, and subsequent destruction of the battery electric vehicle in the United States, specifically the General Motors EV1 of the mid-1990s. The film explores the roles of automobile manufacturers, the oil industry, the federal government of the United States, the California government ...
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