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A document handling system particularly suitable for electronic imaging by sequentially feeding uppermost document sheets (18) stacked in an input tray (20) to be imaged in forward serial order at an imaging station (16) and restacked collated in an output tray (22), with a short and compact "U" shaped common document feeding path also providing the majority of a duplex document feeding path ...
12.31.04 Bridgestone Golf Tour B330 Golf Ball. Bridgestone Golf enters the U.S. golf market in 2005 with a new golf ball, the Tour B330. The Tour B330 is a three-piece urethane design with a suggested retail price of $54 per dozen available at golf specialty stores and green grass retailers nationwide, beginning January 1st, 2005.
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RDH Prospector RDH Prospector Kit Comes with a Mini-Recirculating Highbanker ,12volt 800-gph pump, 4-ft Recirculating hose,recirculating pump bracket,Tub Stand,Gravel Catch and a set of adjustable legs so you can use it off the tub in a stream, ribbed matting for fast gold ID and ribbed miner's carpet.
Make your tow vehicle and trailer more secure by keeping them locked up tight with a CURT hitch lock and coupler lock. Like a hitch pin and clip a hitch lock is designed to insert into the fastener hole in the side of a receiver tube in order to hold a ball mount or hitch-mounted accessory in place.
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