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nodules de manganèse.
Manganese Nodules for Sale from the Pacific ocean floor. There are very few opportunities to add these unusual geological wonders to your rock collection! Rare metals are found in these unique nodules found on the Pacific Ocean floor and other parts of the world. There are very few opportunities to add these unusual geological wonders to your rock collection!
Growth and composition. Nodule growth is one of the slowest of all geological phenomena – on the order of a centimeter over several million years. Several processes are involved in the formation of nodules, including the precipitation of metals from seawater (hydrogenous), the remobilization of manganese in the water column (diagenetic), the derivation of metals from hot springs associated ...
Attempts have been made to study the entire growth history of a manganese nodule from the northern part of Peru Basin in the Pacific using radiochemical profiles of 230 Th 232 Th, 227 Th 230 Th, and 10 Be 9 Bebined with the observations on Fe-Mn contents and textural variation, the radiochemical data indicate that the nodule grew more or less concentrically throughout most of its existence ...
Ferromanganese nodules form in the oxidizing environment of the abyssal pelagic zone.They are the result of ion exchange reactions that precipitate ore components from the water (sedimentary) or out of the interstitial water of the sediments layers (diagenetic). The composition of Manganese-bearing minerals is dependent on how the nodules are formed; sedimentary nodules, which have a lower Mn ...
From Abstract: "The Bureau of Mines conducted research to provide technical information needed to devise waste management plans for the processing of manganese nodules.Studies included summary descriptions of Pacific manganese nodules, process options and flowsheets, method for characterizing nodules and their tailings, and results of analyses of laboratory and pilot-plant generated tailings.
This is thought to produce nodules with similar iron and manganese content and a relatively high grade of nickel, copper and cobalt. 2. A diagenetic process in which the manganese is remobilized in the sediment column and precipitates at the sediment/water interface. Such nodules are rich in manganese but poor in iron and in nickel, copper and ...
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