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2. The owner ofthe ges estate for land IA is Betty Lawonne Gibson and Kathy Diane Murray for the subject drilling unit. 3. The aforementioned owners have entered into a royalty split agreement consisting of (50/50) as referenced in the attached miscellaneous petition, as shown in Table l. RELIEF GRANTED: VCCSApp 4epl WI
The Motorola 68000 ("'sixty-eight-thousand'"; also called the m68k or Motorola 68k, "sixty-eight-kay") is a 16/32-bit CISC microprocessor, which implements a 32-bit instruction set, with 32-bit registers and 32-bit internal data bus, but with a 16-bit data ALU and two 16-bit arithmetic ALUs and a 16-bit external data bus, designed and marketed ...
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