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itfaq steel moulin machinary.
Steel mill - definition of steel mill by The Free Dictionary - itfaq steel mill machinary , Noun 1 steel mill - a factory where steel is made steel factory, steel plant,11 KV Royal Textile Mill, Shahzad Ghee Mill, Salar steel Mill, Gadoon 1,2, Ittefaq steel Mill,in conjunction with a continuous casting machine and a blooming mill"Ittefaq Group - Wikipedia The Ittefaq Group of Industries ...
Ittefaq is the name of itself has over the years become synonymous which quality structural steel in Pakistan. The Company's long term investment in a combination advancrd technologies with the highly trained and motivated work force has been the key factor in bringing us to his point of developement.
Al-Ittefaq Steel – one of the largest and reputed steel manufacturers in GCC. The integrated facility - embraced with State-Of-Art technologies, skilled manpower, continuous innovation/investments and social responsibilities.The largest private sector steel manufacturer in KSA responsible and responsive to the country, communities and environments in which it works.
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