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flip flow vibrating screen.

Cross Screen Instead of Vibrating Screen,Trommel Screen,Flip Flow Screen - We Shijiazhuang Gongbei Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd specialized in Mining Machinery ... About Us. We Are Shijiazhuang Gongbei Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd Was Originally The Shijiazhuang Mining Machinery Research Institute.Since 1976.
Flip-Flow Vibrating Screens remove fines out of wet, sticky or generally difficult to handle materials. Materials processed using a Flip-Flow Vibrating Screen typically cannot be screened using other technologies, such as rotary screens, conventional vibrating screens, etc. Applications where the screen …
Our flip flow screen is designed in such a way that it handles tough screening tasks with ease unlike its conventional counterparts that are sensitive to hard screening tasks. Being the most reliable flip flop machine manufacturers, we manufacture machines that combine two motions so as to create a movement that is actually dual vibrant.
This ensures that typically harder to screen materials don't encounter the same problem as they do with the usual vibrating screens, allowing for expanded production and higher output. The new design of the BIVITEC screens, along with the unique vibration motion, also ensures that wear to the sides of the screens has been dramatically reduced.
The BIVITEC flip flow screen ensures selective screening of bulk materials which are difficult to screen. With the help of resonance, a driving mechanism provides two vibratory movements in which the flexible polyurethane mats are expanded and compressed in turns, and the hard-to-screen product is separated at high acceleration.
Uncompromised Flip-Flow Screening for Extreme Materials The VIBRA-SNAP® Screen is an effective alternative to rigid screening systems for processing materials with inherent blinding characteristics and is ideally suited for efficient screening of moist, sticky, fibrous, wet bulk materials with a high percentage of fines or near size particles.
Not only is ACTION your comprehensive source for replacement flip-flow screen media, we are also experienced screening experts and the manufacturer of the VIBRA-SNAP® Screen. Without question, ACTION's machine design know-how in regard to flip-flow screens sets us apart from those who engage only in screen mat sales.
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